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More funding needed to get Gold Line to Pomona

The public got a glimpse of the future for the Gold Line at a scoping meeting in La Verne on Monday night. The meeting signaled the start of creating a supplemental environmental impact report (SEIR), which will examine the effects of building the light rail project...
Leano, Reece, Stark take oaths of office

Leano, Reece, Stark take oaths of office

Jennifer Stark, Jed Leano and Ed Reece were officially sworn in as Claremont councilmembers Tuesday night. The newest members of the council took their seats at the dais amid a packed Claremont city council chamber full of family, friends and members of the community....

Winter weather descends on the slopes

The San Gabriel Mountains including Mount Baldy were picture-perfect after a recent snowfall in Southern California. So Pixie and I ventured up to the Notch to check out this big change of season. Because we arrived earlier in the day, the pristine wilderness looked...