Great-grandfather, longtime Claremont Graduate University professor, volunteer Bob Williamson, a longtime Claremont resident, died peacefully at home on January 26, at the age of 85. He was named for his father, retired Lt. Colonel Robert E. Williamson Sr., who died...
Tuesday, February 7 At 10:57 p.m. Claremont Police Department officers reported seeing a car run a stop sign at the corner of San Jose and College avenues and said it then began speeding up College. Officers conducted a traffic stop on Montclair resident Gervasio...
Pomona College’s Benton Museum of Art, 120 W. Bonita Ave., Claremont, recently acquired three works by contemporary artist Cauleen Smith which are on exhibit in “Transmissions, or these histories we lest not forget” through July 23. The free and open to the public...
The Friends of the Claremont Helen Renwick Library’s On the Same Page Committee will welcome award-winning author and illustrator Brian Fies to the Alexander Hughes Community Center, 1700 N. Danbury Rd., at 2 p.m. Saturday, March 4. Fies, author of “A Fire Story,”...
California Botanic Garden’s family bird festival returns Sunday, February 19 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event will include educational activities, crafts, and vendor booths. Guests from Wild Wings of California, International Bird Rescue, and Friends of California...
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