Claremont School News

More than 600 young people graduated from Claremont and San Antonio high schools and Claremont Adult School on an unusually cool Thursday evening at the CHS football field. Courier photo/Steven Felschundneff

A group of parents dubbed “Informed Parents of BUSD” recently filed paperwork challenging three books available to students through the school district’s libraries, including “I Am Jazz,” by Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings; “The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison; and “Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out” by Susan Kuklin.

Montclair resident Cindy Nguyen was only 15 years old when she left high school because, as she said, it “was kind of boring.” So, Nguyen started college instead, and was admitted to California State University, Los Angeles through its Honors College Early Entrance Program.

Three parents of Black or mixed race students sent a recent letter to Claremont Unified School District’s Board of Education alleging incidents of racism on Claremont public school campuses, including students using vile racial slurs, calling Black pupils “monkeys,” and making racist gestures, including the Nazi salute. The CUSD Board, above, hears a report from a member of its equity advisory committee during its June 1 meeting. Photo/by David Kekone

The Courier obtained an email Wednesday from Eric Nelson, vice president, community development for Trumark Homes, expressing surprise at the recent decision by the Claremont City Council.

Condit Elementary School teachers Summer Bonner, left, and Jennifer Luebbers serve up ice cream Wednesday at Bert & Rocky’s Cream Company in the Village. The teachers were participating in a […]

Claremont High School junior outside hitter Caleb Sapp has been named to the California Interscholastic Federation Southern Section’s all-CIF team for Division IV boys volleyball. Photo/The Wolfpacket

Avery Pringle, a sixth grader at Sycamore Elementary School, covers up graffiti on her mural Monday at her school. Courier photo/Andrew Alonzo

Benjamin Schulz, seen right in 2022, set a new state record in the paralympic 400-meter dash — 1:00.36 — at Sunday’s CIF-State Track and Field in Clovis. He also took second in the 200, 26.8, and was third in shot put at 9.84 meters. Courier photo/Andrew Alonzo

The Claremont-Mudd-Scripps women’s tennis team won its second straight national title on May 17, defeating the University of Chicago, 5-3, at the NCAA Division III national team tournament at the United States Tennis Association’s National Campus in Florida.

Honors for the Courier’s athletes of the spring 2023 season go to Claremont High School senior boys swim captain Roman Savage, CHS junior track and field runner L’Mio Edwards, Webb freshman single tennis player Morgan Qiu, and Gauls freshman track and field runner Nicole Samson.

The Laemmle Claremont 5 Theatre hosted a special screening of 22 short films and public service announcements by Claremont High School’s advanced placement video production and broadcast journalism courses on Wednesday.

Pomona-Pitzer’s Angie Zhou, a Pomona College sophomore, claimed the 2023 NCAA Division III singles championship in women’s tennis May 22 after winning 6-2, 6-2 against Babson College sophomore Olivia Soffer at the United States Tennis Association’s National Campus in Florida. View Zhou’s bracket at

The Webb Schools, boys tennis: Webb singles player Morgan Qiu (San Joaquin League champion) bested West Covina’s Valle Vista League runner-up Johnny Su in a grueling first round match, 6-3, 4-6, 12-10. He then took down Andrew Cisneros of Summit (Sunkist League runner-up), 7-5, 6-2, in the second round. Diamond Bar’s Hacienda League champion Solon Chi Chit Au then ended Morgan’s run in the third round, 6-1, 6-0.

The Pomona-Pitzer womens water polo team repeated as USA Water Polo Division III National Champions, sinking Claremont-Mudd-Scripps 14-13 in overtime May 7 at Augustana College’s Anne Greve Lund Natatorium in Illinois.

Pitzer College will again offer its long-running summer enrichment program Project Think to pre-kindergarten through eighth grade students.