Claremont fall color: see video

Claremont fall color: see video

Although the month of December may mean cold, snowy weather for much of the country, in Claremont it’s the height of the fall color season. And it’s quite noticeable because of the reputation of the City of Trees. Proof of Claremont’s color can...

Claremont artist makes woodworking magic

Osvaldo Orellana approaches a block of wood the way a painter approaches a blank canvas. The Claremont-based woodworker has created masterful works of art through his meticulous wood sculptures, rocking chairs and rocking horses that conjuring up scenes of the old...

Committee to review ideas for new police station

At the end of the Claremont city council meeting, Mayor Corey Calaycay formally announced the creation of a new ad hoc committee that would oversee plans for a new police station. The committee, created after the failure of Measure PS at the polls last month, will...