Claremont School News

El Roble physical education teacher Debbie Foster dons her turkey hat as she marks student’s wrists for each lap completed on Tuesday during the annual Turkey Trot at the school. […]

Claremont High School Theater Department’s first show of the 2019-20 season, 26 Pebbles, debuts at 7 p.m. tonight at the Don F. Fruechte Theater for Performing Arts, with a repeat […]

Skylar Segura first met Brian Gaeta-Symonds during a routine open house at the city of Claremont’s Youth Activity Center in conjunction with the beginning of a new semester. Ms. Segura […]

Dillon Lopez reacts with a big smile as he discovers that he has been selected as the homecoming king during a rally on Friday in Memorial Park. The crowning of […]

Members of the Claremont High School choir rehearse some of the music they will perform during The Music of Motown show Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the CHS Theatre, 1601 […]

Change, it’s been said, is the only thing on which we can truly depend. Sometimes things go south, but more often they get better. One small step toward the light […]

One of Claremont’s more interesting demographic anomalies is that a near equal percentage of the city’s population—34,478 at the latest census—are under 18 years of age as are over 65. […]

Temple Beth Israel is hosting a celebration this Sunday to honor Deborah Pruitt for her 30 years of service to the preschool. Not only that, but a proclamation was issued […]

Dream jobs are hard to come by. Most folks toil in unfulfilling work, pay the bills and mark the days until their next vacation. Some though, get lucky, and their […]

There are big things coming to Claremont High School—literally. Demolition of the old student center took place this week, making was for a new state-of-the-art facility. The student center will […]

Nathan Han celebrates after receiving his diploma on Thursday during Claremont High School’s commencement. The graduates had almost perfect weather for the ceremony where 572 graduated from Claremont High, 17 […]

Senior Dorian Logue delivers a speech he called New Chapters, during an interfaith Baccalaureate for Claremont and San Antonio high schools on Sunday at Claremont United Church of Christ. The […]

It’ll be a big moment for the roughly 580 kids who will receive their diplomas next week at Claremont High School’s graduation, but perhaps none will feel the emotional heft […]

Anyone who ventured to the Village this weekend no doubt noticed that the Claremont Colleges were in the midst of their two-day graduation marathon. The festivities across the Colleges were […]

Next weekend Claremont will show why it’s the City of PhDs with no less than seven graduations—five Saturday—on May 18 and 19. As the Colleges wrap up midterm exams this […]

The Claremont Educational Foundation has its eye on increasing CEF’s fundraising capacity by finding large donors and applying for grants for CEF, its recently-hired Development Director Greg Glass told the […]